Data Automations through Web Persona Kits

Increase Website Traffic
Create Unique Content with your brand
Higher propability for users returning to your site
Why should business owners and entrepeneurs be interested in the 'AI Revolution'?
Simple... Relevance!! ( Marketable Potential x Web Traffic ) =💲💲💲
Scale your business
Build up your target audience
Original Concepts and Content
Monetise your knowledge
Establish a formidable market presence
Become a leader in your niche
Overview of our five step working process
There is one thing an entrepeneur has to have...a PLAN!

Initial discovery call
Let's Define Your Purpose (Why and What): Begin by clearly understanding why you need an AI WebBot Assistant. Is it for answering customer queries, data collection, or another task?
Define what specific tasks or actions your WebBot will perform. For example, if it's for customer support, list common questions it should answer.
Contract & Scheduling
Research and Plan Your Persona's Functionality:
After defining its purpose, conduct research on existing solutions and similar projects. This research will help you better understand what functionalities your WebBot should have. Create a detailed plan outlining the specific features and capabilities your WebBot will need to fulfill its purpose effectively.
Strategy development
Model Selection and Training:
Now, choose an AI model suitable for your project, such as a chatbot type or a natural language processing (NLP) model. Train the model using your preprocessed data. This step involves feeding the model with examples and letting it learn patterns and responses.

Check the flow...
Design the Bot's Workflow:
Now, we plan how your WebBot Assistant will work. Create a flowchart or diagram outlining the tasks it should perform and the decision-making process it will follow. Consider user interactions and responses.
Crafting the product launch
Deployment and Maintenance:
Once satisfied with the performance, we deploy your AI automation WebBot Assistant. Monitor its performance in real-world scenarios and regularly update it to adapt to changing user needs and Knowledge Base growth.

Why use our Web Assistant Persona Kits?
Multilayered Prompt Engineering within the execution path of the bots processing give diversity and character to it's handling of inquiries. Our unique AI Kits can adapt seamlessly through prompting and data adjustment. Also through the fine tuning of your knowledge base sources within your web Persona for authentic interactions.
Intuitive grasp of user input can further intensify engagement, making each exchange meaningful. Let your personalized chat bot streamline tasks, provide proactive assistance, and enrich your digital interactions, all while carrying your distinctive brand.
Simply put our Personas are created to match your web identity brand...👍
Our flagship AI Web Assistant Persona Kits
Our Personas come with a two week guarantee!! Quality before quantity...We want to build a positive, trustworthy relationship with our customers. With our BASIC Persona after successfully completing payment you can request a refund if you are not fully satisfied within the two week period.

Basic Persona Kit
Freelancer Starter Discount🎁
VAT included in the total base price.
🌐 Global Reach: Serve users worldwide around the clock.
  • Data Insights for user improvements
  • Easy Integration: Seemlessly add to your website
  • During Build Phase 2-30 min calls per week
  • Option to expand beyond basic functions (seperate contractual agreement required)

Let's start our brainstorming session about your custom built Web Persona
Book a introductory free 15 min Consultation Video Chat / Call! Tell me about your business or website! Lets look at your weakpoints and strengths to find a place in the middle so we can formulate a strategic course of action to simplify and expand your brand.
Arthur Rambo, Jr.
Freelancer {Remote}
AI Infused Knowledge Base Automations / Monetization
Let's build!